2 min readJan 9, 2022


A walk in the Rain..!


When you dig my grave

Could you make it shallow?

So that I can feel the rain..”

(Lyrics of song by Dave Matthew)

It’s raining outside, and the window’s glass gets foggy, hiding the view from my sight..that’s what fog always do — to stand between our awareness and the truth.. yes, sometimes our awareness can differ from the “TRUTH”.

I always love to walk in the drizzling rain to get in touch with the rain. I feel as if it talks to me, in the language known to my soul.

We are turned into a culture of the preferred busy life, that sometimes we forget even the life itself.. The life which was meant to belong to us..

A culture that conventionally celebrates a lot of events but never take a moment to feel and appreciate the everyday miracles surrounding us.. are we losing the connection with ourselves — in the growing tendency of living the life from outside-in?

A culture of ‘comparison and despair’.. a culture of ‘irresponsible freedom’, a culture of ‘insensitivity and judgements’, a culture of ‘impatience and intolerance’ a culture of ‘grasping and attaining’ — a “rat-race culture”, a “shallow, superficial culture” is dominating the true essence of life and humanity, wisdom and intellect, integrity and honesty, depth of connections with ourselves and others.. a “lost” culture has emerged.. and it happens when we live life from outside-in, when we consider and allow the external trends to dictate our state of being; our way of life, this is when we are not in alignment with ourself.

“What is right is not always popular, and what is popular is not always right.”

Albert Einstein

What if we live a life that doesn’t feel true to us.. ??

The real art of life is living it from inside-out — that requires deepening of our attention, choosing a life from the depth of conscious, getting connected with ourself, and that requires courage.. to stand in “difference” from the popular trends — to speak our truth, to walk our way.. that can happen only when we have clarity and choose with wisdom and intellect.. when the fog, that stands between our awareness and the “truth of our being”, is washed away.

You might have observed the sky after the rain, and the return of life, the openness and the clarity of the sky, and the freely flying birds.. that is the beauty of the rain, it signifies the worth of sunshine and brings clarity.

“Let your conscience be your guide.”

Elizabeth Gilbert

